Thursday, November 15, 2012


The Aliens have arrived and are already flexing their muscles on our soil. Helen Wyman, from the Planet England, shows us the wicked, potential power of the alien invasion that has just begun. Check her out winning the Planet Euro Championship this year in a great video at the end of this post.

While there weren't a lot of aliens at the USGP Derby Cup in Looeville this past week, in the form of Elite Men Aliens, there were a number of female Aliens on hand to scope out the landing site and make preparation for invasion that's coming early next year for the World Championship in Looeville. While it's strange to see these people from other planets walk among us, all coming from the distant Galaxy Europe, it's also worth noting that there have been aliens living and racing among us for sometime.

Here's a gathering of three Aliens: Gabby Day and Helen Wyman from the Plant England, and Anthony Clark, an Alien more alien than any other alien walking the earth ... he's from Planet Ssiccckckccksksffufuckswhaszzzzzzupp.

Anthony tries to show Helen the size of the "Probe" he's brought with him to "examine" earthlings. She's not that impressed it appears. 

Helen shows him what he'll be getting if he brings that probe anywhere near her. He shows her orders from his planet written in Ssiccckckccksksffufuckswhaszzzzzzupp on the inside of his bicep.

If you don't believe me that Anthony Clark is an Alien from another planet, just read this message, sent by him, which we intercepted just this morning on the Intergalactic Communication device called "Twitter."

"Sikkkkkkkkkkk work bussyy shitiitiitii party for my nephew tonighttg sikkkkkk gotta ride later sikkkkkkkk whhwhwhatat fucfkinh sikkkkk"

The lead attorney and Alien Liaison from Team Sandbag tries to make contact with another Female Alien - this one is from Planet Czech.

He examines her closely for any sign of weakness and impregnability. She hit him with a "Czech-Stunner" on the next lap.

Amazingly this Alien spoke perfect "American" and was quite pleasant. Here name is Katerina Nash and there's a good chance she won't return to her home planet. There's also a better chance she'll never get this close to me ever again.

Friendly Aliens were everywhere. This one brought an exciting new material to the race from Planet Sachs - it's called Steel!

Another beautiful Alien, this one from the Planet Canada was on hand to check out the race.

She brought this specimen, one of the few Alien Males to make the race, to do her bidding no doubt. All-in-all the Canadian Aliens were really nice ... for aliens anyway.

Here's the landing pad. After setting down on top of this thing called the Flyover, the Aliens can slide down or take the stairs. How thoughtful.

Here's one of the Alien ships, with a illustration of the what the animals look like on the planet "Belgium."

Drinking so soon to forget that you've brought the Aliens among us, Joan?

Joan Hanscom works with the Aliens and is in part responsibly for bringing them to our planet. I caught her drinking beer while using her "communicator" to direct the alien ships to the landing pad (Flyover). I guess she needed the alcohol to live with herself. Noting her manner of dress and fashion statements she has made over the years I've often wondered if Joan is really "one of them."

During the race one of the "Pit Aliens" shape-shifts. Tricky, perverted Aliens. Look out!

This young boy was attacked by Aliens in the opening sprint of his race. Usually you only see this kind of injury when you're dealing with Aliens from the Planet "Criterium."

This is where the "Homing Beacon" is embedded that is drawing the aliens to earth. It essentially contains beam that directs them to the landing Flyover. I think I've seen this somewhere else before ...

Same old story in 'cross: The Euro-Aliens think they are going to make monkeys out of us once again. But maybe not this time ...

Because we have a not-so-secret weapon to defeat them - The KfC!

One last Alien issue ... what planet is this Alien from?

Whuzzzzzzzzzzup Earthlings? Take me to your Microbrewery."

Now another great video by Petisreines. This one is filled with Alien Women, and nothing but, competing for the championshiop of their home planet, Europe this year. You can see Helen Wyman at work ... great stuff and worth a look. Enjoy.