Go, Nys, Go! Yeah you race, I'll sit on the big fluffy couch, watch the big fat flat screen and eat these delicious donuts.
To bad you couldn't have been there for the World Championship Cyclocross Party at Big Mac's Secret Cyclocross headquarters this past weekend. It was like a Super Bowl party at the Cake Boss's house, with more Belgium Waffles than cake, of course. Big Mac made these lovely Nys-themed donuts just for me. Unfortunately it looked like Nys had eaten the rest of the dozen in the pack before the race on Sunday. He (Nys) says that he's not doing another World Championship, which I hope - as I'm sure Bruce Fina and the entire city of Louisville, hope isn't true. Just lay off the donuts, Sven, you'll be fine.
You know you're in the right place when you see Cyclocross artwork on the nice furniture, and not in the garage.
Anyway it was a great party - you were invited, so don't bitch about not being there. You were probably out riding on some slushy road or digging out your driveway after the snowstorm (and it's melting already!) on Sunday.
For those of you that watched the races on Sunday, and have picked up on the results through various news outlets (excluding all mainstream sports media in the United States) you know that the Women's Championship was dominated once again by Marianne Vos, who has now racked up Five World Championships in Cyclcross, as well as WC's in Road Racing, Time Trial, Mountain Biking (?), and probably Downhill Racing and BMX Racing for all I know. If it has two wheels and a crank on it, she can ride the hell out of it. Hell, she's probably playing Bike Polo in a parking garage right now.
She such a star in cycling, and especially in Cyclocross that she's transcended the tradition rainbow jersey - and was literally "crowned". This painting was quickly brushed up during the World Championship presentation - I'd say she's now a Cycling Goddess, don't you think?
Marianne Vos was crowned Queen of Cyclocross by winning her 5th World Championship on Sunday. Thank God for embrocation, or she would have been pretty cold up on the podium with this outfit on - that's quite a chain ring, isn't it?
Here's a video of the women's highlights. One of the best highlights was Helen Wyman Superman'ing, over her bars, downhill in the sand. In this case though, I guess it should be Superwoman'ing. What you don't get in this highlight is how far Katie Compton came back to get into the lead by the end. She went from last to 2nd at one point - but the effort was too much. The other great ride was by Cant, who could, and rode one of the best tactical races ever.
Another thing you didn't see in the video were the shoes that Vos was wearing in her Championship run. How she could pedal in these things? And so fast! It's mind blowing, really. Not to mention hot, in a very sleazy-stripper kind of way. I think I saw Brian Matter wearing these in a Halloween Cyclocross race once ...

I wonder how Vos ran through all that sand wearing these things?
Speaking of fashion, did you see the red leg warmers that Pauwels was rocking on Sunday? Tati Cycles posted up the photo below just after the race. The thought is that Pauwels is into the Euro fashion scene. What do you think?
Red shoes, red-leggings. It's the latest thing in Berlin fashion - and in the sand of Koksijde, I guess.
This highlight video shows you what the scene was really like in Koksijde on Sunday - the beer and weirdness was flowing. It was estimated the 61,000 fans were on course! Think it's going to be anything like this in Louisville next year? We can only hope.
Make sure you watch the above video - what a freakin' course. Here are some stats from the race, that are really Behind the Barriers:
40,000 fans expected (61,000 showed!)
30000 liters of beer
215 toilets
8 big screens
10km of fencing
1500 volunteers
2 million euro costs
I was so enthralled with this year's World Championship, that I just had to get out and ride a cross bike as soon as possible. With a fresh batch of snow in the park, I could get all 'Albert' on that shit with the "A" bike fitted up with snow-specific file treads that I meant to run in Chicago on News Years, but had the snow melt from under me and never had a chance to check them out.
Beautiful night for a ride. Good snow. Good bike. Good fun.
Tubular file treads. I've never ridden anything better in snow - deep and otherwise.
My only disappointment after my snow ride is that there's now Snow Cross this year. Boo-hoo. Maybe we can put together a little race - if we can get the snow to stay for more than 2-days. Ya think?
Single Speed on the bridge at sunset. Looks like I could use some deep dish wheels. Hell no ...
I also took out the SS for a romp in the snow. While it handled nicely, and was fitted with clincher file treads, it had nowhere near the handling or traction of the tubulars.
I am definitely riding tonight since social obligations have me out of the saddle on Thursday night. I may even rock a fender tonight (if I can find one!) because it looks so damn sloppy. Oh, and if you're coming tonight, bring earplugs, I still have fixed my bottom bracket. Creak-creak-creak, you know the drill.
I'm also, like a lot of you in the upgrade-your-ride-for-next-year mode. So far I have re-cabled the bikes about 15 times and have considered a number of new components to improve my performance (hey fatso just lose weight and train!). While the rear derailleur below may be heavy, it is expensive. Just what you want on a 'cross bike, right? If I can get a loan for about $10 Grand I can get one for the pit bike, too.