Sorry about the delay in posts, but it has been a busy week and weekend. After a lot of hard work on the Tour de Gaslight Michigan State Championship race, which was an astounding success, and achieving another forgettable personal performance in the race itself, I am now about to sit down and provide a report of last Thursday night's Bastards ride. Which is a good thing, I guess, because by the time we ride tomorrow it will be too late for a Thursday Night post. Actually it's too late now, but so what? I'm waiting for a call and I've got 10 minutes to kill.

He's Back!
Speaking of kill and killers, our friend the Killer Chihuahua was back and hungry for more Leg-o-Bastard on Thursday night. It was beautiful night for a ride with JZ Bastard (aka Redline Bastard) Slayer Bastard (aka Haney Bastard), an old friend, but new face on the Bastard ride, from the Founder's Team, Scott, and your humble narrator. All was fine and good until we reached Killer's section of the road, or the "Killer's House." I had an eye peeled for him, and sure enough as I rode the curve around his "lair" I spotted the flash of nasty Chihuahua Hide under the brush. At this moment, Scott, who has never been attacked by a killer Chihuahua before, and never saw him coming, thought it would be the perfect moment to "pounce" on me and take over the lead, as we had been dishing out a few "Mike's Cold Hard Blasts" on this particularly fun and racy stretch of road. Well as I saw Scott come around, I thought, well, he's all yours big boy. And he was.
In a flash Killer was all over Scott, and Scott, to his credit, was yelling the same thing we all yell at Killer which is a combination of profanity, speaking in tongues, and Wookie. I'd reprint it here but there just aren't the keys on the keyboard to do it.
Any-whatever, I found a photo that pretty well shows what the attack of the Killer Chihuahua on Scott looked like.
Sweet teeth! Kujo the killer chihuahua is one nasty mongrel.