Here's BK Dave partaking in the Epic Ride of the Summer. I think he's enjoying it. Yeah, he is. While the ride was "Epic" in its enjoyability, it was "Non-Epic" in the fact that nothing dramatic happened - we weren't attacked by bears, cougars (not until we stopped at THE SCORE later on, anyway) there were no mechanicals, flats, crashes, exploding meth labs, burning cars, lost kittens or even homicidal ChihuahuaS. We didn't ride a hundred miles. Nobody died of dehydration or bonked. Just a nice night for a ride. Epic, you know, but not Epic.

Here's Ethiopian Bastard and he's really enjoying the ride. Can't you tell? I just wonder what HUP UNITED is going to fine him for riding out of uniform.
Here's what happens when you're enjoying yourself too much on an Epic/Non-Epic ride. One minute you're rolling along, whistling a merry tune ...

... and the next minute everybody is up the road and your ass is dropped.
Luckily, I was able to catch back on. If by catch back on you mean I got back to the parking lot before these bastards drank all the beer. Big thanks to Lee and BK for bringing extra beers. They were Epically Delicious, fellas.
While Jurrien, aka Ethiopian Bastard will be waiting for his HUP fine to arrive in the mail, Heather K will no doubt be receiving her own fine or suspension for drinking a recovery drink not recommend by her coach, trainer, or team. I'm guessing it's going to be a pretty heavy fine as she's drinking Bud Light. Although Bud Light is kinda a fine in itself isn't it?
I think this would be a good time to open the floor to the peanut gallery and ask for submissions in regard to giving Heather K a Crazy Bastard name. We've only got a week to give her a proper Bastard name or there will be fines, suspensions and, oh hell forget it ... just come up with some names will ya?
My first submission: Killer Kubiak
But that's just a start ...