If you roll through and get hit, I'm not sitting around waiting for this thing to arrive. I have beer back at the Grandpa van and it will be getting warm. Better to shoot you and bury you back back at the Park. Believe - nobody will care. And my beer will be cold. Yeah, as cold as my heart.
So I am asking for this practice to stop. If you don't get hit, you may lead somebody through, thinking it's clear, to get hit. There's not much I can do about stopping you of course, except have you shot by a firing squad back at the parking lot. And if you don't think I can't find volunteers you'd be dead wrong. But you're going to be anyway, right?
Anyway, we roll at 6, until further notice. Weather looks a tad cooler but still pleasant - and no rain in the forecast. Charge up - load up - see you tonight. I'll bring a blindfold. Anybody still smoke?
Here is the forecast from GFS