Tuesday, November 16, 2010


I'm tired of the dry and dusty. Why can't we have some of this? Talk about doing some running. You've got to watch this thing the whole way through - it's absolutely ridiculous. And if you didn't know why Sven Nys is the greatest cyclocross racer in the world, well you'll know why after you see this video from last week in Hamme-Zooogee-Booger-Boo (is that the name of a town or did somebody just throw up and call it good?)

As I said, while there wasn't any mud to speak of at Stoney Creek, there was some very nice sand down along the beach. After a soggy descent down to the water you had to pop over a berm, ride 50 yards and then punch through some deeper stuff.

For those of you (probably nobody reading this) that make excuses about not racing 'cross I'd like to have you take a look at Nancy Lange racing her second cyclocross race of the season. I must say, she looks pretty good punching it through the sandy stuff, and over the berm, doesn't she?

And running it like a pro! Great effort Nancy!

Now for gratuitous shots of me riding over the berm. If this were video you'd be able to see how much faster Nancy was going over the same spot. Yeah, I'd be embarrassed, but it's true.

This part below I was usually cursing and so on trying to make it that last ten feet. Nice day on the beach though. Good thing I put the sunblock on. Don't you love Michigan in November? Thanks to Andrea Tucker for the great photos. Check out her photos at Tucker Bikes (I think) she had some absolute great shots of MacKenzie at ICEMAN getting the Champagne shower from Gary Fisher.

Planning on riding tonight at 6. If you think you're going to be late, give someone that you know is riding a call. See you Bastards tonight. I'm charging my lights, and the camera.


  1. Don't let me forget - the new blog came to life on November 23rd last year. It's almost a birthday for the blog. Woo-woot! Whatever ...

  2. Looking good in the sand...I'm in for tonight.

  3. It'll be good to see you Redline ... how was your race this weekend?

    Well, tell me about it later. Gotta feeling I'm going to be limping along tonight.

    See ya.

  4. Nice video. The mud looks like an absolute blast. Do they have CAT4 over in Europe? :-)
